Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apples are all gone!

So as of Sunday, I have used up all of the apples that we picked. I made applesauce that strangely resembles apple pie filling. Ryan and I both do not like applesauce but for some reason we like this. (BTW it is great warmed up and served over ice cream!) Making the sauce was a great way to wind down Sunday afternoon and it made the house smell lovely!

It is really starting to cool down up here (with the exception of these last couple of days because of rain) and should be pretty chilly this weekend. I am excited to wear my new sweaters! I guess I should wear them as much as possible because soon enough they will be covered up by jackets and you will no longer be able to see their cuteness. Oh well. Ha!

The leaves are changing here! Its so beautiful. I am not use to seeing brightly colored leaves fill the yards. (since they are normally just brown when they fall off in FL) I feel like I am living on a movie set. All I can think about is the opening scene of Hokus Pokus. It just looks like the epitome of fall and THAT IS HOW IT LOOKS LIKE HERE! It seriously blows my mind. I really need to take some pictures so I can show all of my loyal readers (HA!) its beauty. But every time I see a beautiful tree there are power lines in the picture. Blah.

Oh, this past weekend we were invited over to watch football at our new friends' house. I met 2 more ladies! Yeehaw! I am so thankful to be meeting people. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. I felt like I had known them forever. Since then, I have been invited to go to a dessert party today and a soup swap this weekend. Soup swap you ask? Well each person that is coming is suppose to bring 5 cups each to give away and in return receive 5 cups of soup from everyone else. Yall, I am so excited! I just love soup and I am looking forward to getting new recipes. My freezer is going to be FULL! I am gonna bring taco soup. I just love it and I hope everyone else will too. Its inexpensive to make and it is sooooo good.

Here is the recipe if you are interested:

Taco Soup:
1 lb of ground beef, browned and drained
1 envelop taco seasoning
1 envelop ranch seasoning
1 can rotel (tomatoes and chilies)
1 can corn
1-2 cans of beans (pinto, kidney, black, whatever you have)
3-4 c of water depending on your taste

Combine all together and heat on stove until hot. Serve with sour cream, cheese, and tortilla chips!

Definitely try it, you wont be disappointed.

Anyways, I am counting down the days until we get to go home for 2 weeks! I cant wait. It has been way too long. I guess if I had a job, I would have already gone home before now. But maybe not having a job was just what I needed. I have had to solely rely on Ryan and because of it we have truly gotten stronger as a couple. I am very thankful for that, but a job would be nice too! I keep trying, so hopefully I will find something soon. The winter is fast approaching and it will be VERY long without something to do.

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