Saturday, September 18, 2010

Apple picking

This past week, Ryan and I decided to go to the apple orchards and pick some apples. I thought that since it was pretty cool outside that it would be a good idea. We had a great time together searching for the best apples on the trees. We had a good thing going too. I would spot the prefect apple, Ryan would take a running leap into the tree, grab the apple and then hand it to me. This worked for awhile until Ryan started to get tired.

So we grabbed a apple picker and carried on. We ended up picking 17 pounds of apples. That folks is about 2 grocery bags of apples. I didnt realize how many we picked until we got them home and tried to put them away.
I quickly realized that we had a lot of apples to eat. Since then, I have made 2 pies and have eaten a lot of apples. But, we are running out, so we may be making another trip to the orchards very soon!

Happy Fall Yall!

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