Monday, January 11, 2010


We had a wonderful, joy filled Christmas and New Years! We tried to make it as normal as possible since we will be moving and have no idea where we will be this time next year. We started off Christmas by going to the Christmas Eve service at Flamingo Road Church. Wow! It was so awesome and totally blew Ryan and I away. After the service, we met my parents and went to my in laws for snacks and games. It was nice getting my parents and Ryan's parents together on the holidays. After that, Ryan and I went home and had our Christmas together. We figured that Christmas day was going to be too hectic to include our time so we did it the night before.

We stayed at my parents Christmas eve so that we could wake up super early and start the day. 6:45 came super early but we didnt mind getting up bc it was Christmas!!! After opening presents with my family, we had breakfast and headed to the in laws for lunch and presents. We had a great afternoon with them. Later on, we ventured back to my parents for dinner with my parents and grandparents. Overall, Christmas was a family shuffle, but good times were had by all.

News Years eve, our friends Brittany and Jonathan invited us to go to Destin and stay the night. We stayed at the Residence Inn SanDestin. It was sooo nice! We traveled down to Seaside and saw all of the beautiful homes and beautiful people! It was a nice day at a cool 70 degrees and going to the beach was the best way to spend the day. That night we went to P F Changs for dinner and then to the Baytowne Wharf for the evening. We hopped the shuttle back to the hotel and rang in the New Year there. The temperature dropped outside so we figured that we would rather be warm than freezing. NYE was nice and relaxing just like we like it.

2010 promises to bring about new changes for the Harrison family... Ryan is leaving for bootcamp on January 26th. He will be gone for 8 weeks and then we will be leaving Pensacola. :( We dont know where will be stationed yet, but we are hoping for South Florida. Ryan says that we will find out in the beginning of March. So for the next couple of weeks, he is packing up his belongings and I will pack up the rest after he leaves. I still have stuff at my parents house, so I have a big job ahead of me. But I am super excited about the changes coming...especially setting up our own house! Finally. This nesting urge is really getting to me.

I hope to upload some pictures soon.
