Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Attempt

Hey guys!

This is my first attempt to blogging... so here goes.

A lot of changes are going on in my life right now...and its a little scary. Who knows that making life changing decisions were so hard and scary? Up until now, my life has been planned out for me (thanks to my parents) and now at the ripe old age of 22 I am faced with making the decisions. So lately, this is what I have been contemplating..."what am I going to do after college?" Well folks, I HAVE NO IDEA! As of now, I am working for my Dad and I am really content with it. However, this is not a permanent job and I know that. I am scared to branch out and find a job related to my major. I guess I will finish up my last class and see where my life goes from there. I ll keep you posted.

So here is what has been going on lately...

Yesterday afternoon, Ryan, Rob and myself spent the afternoon at Ryan's parents pool. It was such a nice day and playing in the pool and getting some sun made it even nicer! I am so thankful that his parents let us use the pool when they are at work. It is so much closer than the beach!

Last night, Ryan and I rode out to the beach to see the sunset. Upon coming over the bridge, Ryan spotted a Coast Guard boat. He was super excited and could not wait to go and see it. As we walked up to the boat, we spotted one of the crew members on board, and he offered to give us a tour (how cool!). Ryan and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We learned a lot about what these men do...I think that the tour got Ryan excited for his future career!

Today, I went to lunch with Jessica. We had a great time chatting and shopping. We multi tasked on our lunch break. Those quick trips to the mall can still get you in trouble! It was nice to catch up. We are also going wedding dress shopping on Saturday. I am super excited to share this with her. I cant wait to see what she picks out.

Also, Mom comes home on Friday! I cant wait to see her. She has been gone for what seems like an eternity! But she will only be in town for the weekend, and then she flies out again for her job.

Policy starts on Monday! UGH! I am so not looking forward to taking this class. However, I am ready to be finished with college. I am not looking forward to not having a life for 6 weeks. So I guess I will suck it up and just do it. After that, it will all be over and I will look back and say that it wasnt so bad. NOT! Haha.

Anyways, I am getting very tired. I guess I should be heading off to bed. I hope that my first attempt went over well. Ill keep on trying!


1 comment:

Krista and Brandon said...

yay! im so glad you have a blog- now we can read each others! Congrats on being done with POLICY! Welcome to working everyday! :)